Four Small But Important Things To Observe In Houses For Sale In Gaithersburg MD

Four Small But Important Things To Observe In Houses For Sale In Gaithersburg MD

Buyers spend a significant amount of time looking for houses for sale in Gaithersburg MD online, touring homes on Sunday open house circuit, and talking to their realtor. Sadly, they are laser focused on discovering the best house that fulfil their requirements. The issue is, buyers often don’t take the long view of a property.

Provided that homes are such a massive investment, you must not overlook some small yet important things when looking for Gaithersburg homes for sale.

The school district:

This is right on top of the list of what is really critical to most buyers. It is in fact very common for buyers to commence their search solely based on the school district they wish to be in.

Parents wish their children to get admission in the best school, which drive costs of houses in those districts. Even though you don’t have children right now, buying a house in a good school district is always intelligent.

Being a homeowner, you must keep update about how the schools are doing, as you would with the neighborhood development, your roof’s condition or city government.


It is always recommend to check out the up-to-date crime figures of neighborhood before considering buying a home there. It’ll give you a good idea on the number & severity of crimes over a time period. Luckily, such information can be found online these days. So, quick Google search would help you find the much require info and make your decision accordingly.


Today walkability is turning out to be a critical factor in the home hunting process. There’re apps, algorithms and websites that can help people in figuring out how walkable their prospective house is.

As people get out of their cars, they wish a house in walkable neighborhood. People put high value on the ability to walk to a school, shop, work or public transportation.

Will the home hold its value in the future?

A reliable realtor who is been working the neighborhood for several years can vouch for the long-term value of the property. But ensure to find ways to add value, or at least be sure the property will hold its value in the near future.

The housing market may be positive when you buy, but inquire yourself, “Am I in a seller’s market?” “What’d occur to this home if the market changed tomorrow”? Check the average house value in the neighborhood before making any decision.

Contact Magnolia Realty now to get a list of the best houses for sale in Gaithersburg MD. We understand your housing needs better than anybody else!

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